Wednesday, September 30, 2015

macOS 10.12 Sierra & OS X 10.11 Compatibility (Rootless/System Integrity Protection)

The wineskin/ported from windows apps/games will not be working in macOS 10.12 and OS X 10.11! But there is a way to make it working again, please do the following and ensure you are an administrator then do the following:

1. Restart your computer
2. Press Command+R on your keyboard to OS X Recovery Mode
3. Click “Utilities” on the top menu bar and then click “Terminal”
*Please write the following command down somewhere else instead of this computer 
4. In the Terminal window, type in “csrutil disable”then press enter
5. Restart your computer and you are all set!


  1. It says: csrutil: failed to modify system integrity configuration. This tool needs to be executed from the Recovery OS.

    What does this mean?

    1. This means YOU HAVE TO USE THE TERMINAL PROVIDED IN RECOVERY MODE. You can use CSRUTIL command in terminal from a normal login.

      READ CAREFULLY THE POST before do any question ¬¬

  2. You can’t open the application “The Sims 4” because it is not responding.

    1. try closing as many applications as possible (unused)

  3. What to do if I did it without recovery mode and now when I do it in recovery mode it uses "360" or "240" instead of letters?
    Please help!

    1. Put a screenshot to see what is happening with ur device.

  4. Replies
    1. Wich error is? Nobody can help you if you not tell the complete error or error code, we are not a fortune teller ¬¬

  5. I already follow ur guide..but problem is most of games icon was diminished

  6. I tried to copy the file to application after I downloaded it. But then it said that "The operation can’t be completed because one or more required items can’t be found.
    (Error code -43)". Could anyone tell me what happened and how to fix it? Thanks a lot

  7. Error it say's something about x11 if i recall right it say's The application x11 could not be open now i'm gonna try to do a update if it still don't work i'll come back here for help if it does i'm gonna be playing all day

  8. scribble nauts won't open i tried this but still!! it doesn't work!!

  9. When I press the Command+R keys on my keyboard, either my chrome page reloads, or nothing happened. Please help.

  10. o meu dowload nunca para , oq eu faço ?????????

  11. the icon of the sims 4 appear on dock, after 1 minute it's disappear ! ~~!
    i only can start it at the first time, next time it happen like that. How could i fix it.
    im in 10.11.5
